BioFish Holding – first half year report 2022
BioFish Holding – Annual Financial Statement 2021
First half interim report 2021
BioFish Holding AS is pleased to announce its first Interim Report 2021 as a EuroNext Growth company. Friday 1st October @10:00 you are welcome to join the investor call (see link).
Finansavisen: Den nye sjømatbølgen
– Vi startet selskapet fra null i 2016, med en visjon om nullutslipp. Vi er jo relativt nye i forhold til mange andre aktører, så vi må jobbe for å komme inn på markedet og få kunder. Men jeg ser flere muligheter enn problemer, sier Torbjørn Skulstad, adm. direktør i BioFish Holding.
Repayment of bond loan
BioFish Holding AS is pleased to announce that it Friday last week redeemed in full it’s Bond Loan ISIN NO 001 0820178 (NOK BONDS) and ISIN SE 001 1062256 (SEK BONDS) issued by BioFish Holding AS on 13th April 2018.
Biofish improves fish welfare and growth
Biofish improves fish welfare and growth by the use of special lighting in the fish tanks (article in Norwegian).
New customer contracts
BioFish Holding AS is pleased to announce that BioFish have received two new contracts for deliveries of Smolt, both customers are new to BioFish. The contract value on these two contracts is approx. NOK 20.800.000,-, half of which to be delivered autumn 2021 and the other half during autumn 2022.
BioFish has, after the listing on Euronext Growth, received significant increase in requests for new deliveries of Smolt, and more firm contracts are thus expected to be formalized.
BioFish får tommel opp fra Mattilsynet
Smoltprodusenten BioFish får øke sin årlige produksjonsmengde. BioFish, som i går gikk på børs med et helt kobbel av kjendisinvestorer på aksjonærlisten, kunne onsdag melde om godt nytt fra Mattilsynet.