
Robust and high quality smolt well prepared to meet the challenging life in the fjords

Based on carefully selected ova, our smolt has the very best starting point for a sound and healthy life. Growing in a biosafe atmosphere the post-smolt reaches up to 1 000 gram before delivery.

Our RAS-facilities creates a protected atmosphere that enables the fish to grow strong and be prepared for the challenging life in the fjords.

Increasing revenues for fish farmers
The use of larger smolt in fish farming provides a better utilization of the MAB (maximum allowed biomass), which in turn can increase revenues up to 15-20 %. Production time at sea can be shortened by 4 to 6 months. This reduces the risk of sea lice and disease which represent a substantial cost for the industry today.

The use of larger smolt (500g) can increase production by 15-20% depending on current utilization of licenses.


Proven smolt farming technology – ready for scale-up

BioFish was established in 2016 after the acquisition of an on-land flow-through smolt farming facility. Since the acquisition, BioFish has invested approx. NOK 150m in RAS-technology, biomass and equipment.

The existing RAS facility in Ljones/Hardanger consists of RAS hatchery, a RAS start feeding facility, 3 RAS growth departments and a vaccination department.

Now we are taking a giant leap towards achieving production of 2 200 tons of smolt annually. Our new RAS-facilities are currently under construction and will be completed by 2021. Full production facility will be finalized second half of 2022.

The construction work is on schedule.


Our vision: zero emissions

We base our production on RAS (recirculation aquaculture system) which recycles at least 99 % of the water used.

We work on sustainability along the following lines:

  • Sustainable fish farming: Our land based production prevents fish escape and thus protects the wild salmon.
  • Water and wastewater management: We recycle 99 % of water used. Wastewater is treated and waste is collected and used as fertilizer on local farms.
  • Sustainable feed: We work constantly to reduce the carbon footprint from our feed materials.
  • Improved fish health: Our smolt lives in a biosafe atmosphere. By setting post-smolt of significantly larger size in the sea, the producers will have reduced exposure time to lice’s and diseases.
  • Waste management
  • Pollution prevention and renewable energy

Green Fish Farming Concept

BioFish has initiated a a tailored concept with zero emissions to air and water: Green Fish Farming Concept.

  1. Based on the fish farm location and size, the GFF concept can integrate different renewable technologies (wind, solar, wave, hydropower, osmotic power) for power generation.
  2. The renewable energy can be used locally by the fish farm to cover energy needs.
  3. The generated waste can be used to produce biofuels/biogas. Furthermore, an algae / microalgae/shells farm can also be installed around the closed fish farm and used both as bio filters and as a biomass source.
  4. Renewable energy can also be used to produce oxygen and hydrogen via electrolysis. The produced oxygen can be used to oxygenate the fish, while hydrogen can be used by the well-boats. Overproduction of oxygen and hydrogen can be commercialized with important revenues (e.g. industrial processes, maritime and transport sectors).
Green Fish Farming Concept illustration


Global GAP
Biofish has been certified in Global GAP since 2016 for its post-smolt production and has also been granted the Global GAP certificate for 2021.

CICERO shades of Green
We are proud to have achieved the CICERO Shades of Green certificate. This certificate provides independent, research-based evaluations of green bond investment frameworks to determine their environmental robustness.
