Robust and high quality smolt

Robust and high quality smolt, set to meet more challenging conditions at sea

Based on carefully selected ova, our smolt has the very best starting point for a sound and healthy life. Growing in a biosafe atmosphere the post-smolt reaches up to 1000 gram before delivery.

Our facility ensures a controlled environment that allows the salmon to grow strong and robust to face the next stage of life in the fjords.

The use of larger smolt and post-smolt in fish farming provides a better utilization of the MAB (maximum allowed biomass), which in turn will benefit fish farmers. Production time at sea can be shortened by 4 to 6 months. This reduces the risk of sea lice and disease which represent a substantial cost for the industry today.

  • Strategically located post-smolt RAS facility in Ljones, Western Norway.

  • Our location in Area (PO 3) in Norway, an area with high fish farming density, reduces transportation distances, which is benefitial for both fish health and logistics.

  • The combination of high farming density and relatively warm water increases the importance of robust smolt for farmers nearby.

  • Completed our RAS facility expansion, now focused on maintaining strong biological performance and scaling production in 2024 and 2025.
  • BioFish uses both fresh water and sea water in the production of smolt to improve water quality and tobetter prepare the smolt to more challenging environment in its next life stage in fjords and exposed sea locations.
  • The temperatures we use in the early phases reflect the environment of wild salmon habitats.
  • We limit the use pumps to deliver our smolt to wellboats. We rely on gravity, which reduces stress on our smolt and ensures better animal welfare during this vulnerable phase.

Ready for scale-up

Proven smolt farming technology – ready for scale-up

BioFish was established in 2016 after the acquisition of a flow-through smolt farming facility,

BioFish has invested in RAS-technology, biomass and equipment.

BioFish production facility in Ljones close to the Hardangerfjord on the west coast of Norway

Our vision

  • Zero emissions
  • Utilise our RAS technology to recycle at least 99% of water used
  • Focus on on sustainability through these key areas:
BioFish production facility in Ljones close to the Hardangerfjord on the west coast of Norway

We keep our smolt and post-smolt protected from external threats and ensure optimal water flow and temperature to optimise growth and fish welfare.

Close to 99% of the water we use is recycled and wastewater is treated. We ensure no fish escape, which means no harm to local biodiversity and nature.

We are committed to reducing the carbon footprint of our feed while carefully tailoring it to provide optimal nutrition and quality for our smolt and post-smolt.

We ensure our smolt liFe in a biosafe environment by monitoring and treating water to minimize disease and parasites. Our RAS technology requires minimal fish handling, ensuring good fish welfare and promiting growth.

Enabling our customers to release post-smolt, of a significantly larger size, at sites in exposed fjord areas, helps to minimize the exposure to external threats such as extreme weather, sea lice and disease.

We are in a process of replacing our equipment for waste handling at our facility.


BioFish has been certified in Global GAP since 2016 for its post-smolt production and has also been granted the Global GAP certificate for 2023. Global GAP is a global standard for responsible farming practices at all stages of primary production. It is built on a holistic approach that covers the key topics of food safety, the environment (including biodiversity), animal welfare, workers’ well-being, production processes, and traceability.

BioFish production facility in Ljones close to the Hardangerfjord on the west coast of Norway

Biofish has been certified in the Global GAP since 2016 for its post-smolt production and has also been granted the Global GAP certificate for 2023.

Certficate Global-G.A.P-2023 (pdf)



We are proud to have achieved the CICERO Shades of Green certificate. This certificate provides independent, research-based evaluations of green bond investment frameworks to determine their environmental robustness.

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